If Google had it’s way, every webmaster would build a website and wait by the side of the fire for “Prince Google” to stumble in and put the traffic glass slipper on her Cinderella foot. However as webmasters, we know that the wait and see and hope approach is rarely successful.
So if we can’t build links according to Google’s TOS (laughable since it’s a TOS that no one I know has ever signed) then how do we get traffic? It’s a catch 22 situation, but one that the following articles shed a little light on.
ID Wholesaler: Building ‘clever’ inbound links – BtoB Magazine
Mention “link building” to an experienced SEO pro and don’t be surprised if they look a little wary. After all, building inbound links—an activity that can be heavily rewarded by Google’s algorithms—is as notorious as the territory of black hat SEO …
Google’s Link Disavow Tool And Negative SEO – WebProNews
Google’s Link Disavow Tool And Negative SEOWebProNewsIn case you haven’t heard yet, Google finally released its long-awaited Link Disavow tool. You can get more details about it here. In a blog post about the tool, Google includes a Q&A section. One of the questions in that is: Can this tool be used if I
-Google Launches Disavow Links Tool – Search Engine Land
Ex-Googler: “To Please Google With Your SEO, Forget About SEO” – Search Engine Land
It’s not everyday you get to hear from someone that’s worked on Google’s Search Quality/Webspam team and isn’t named Matt Cutts. But Andre Weyher, whose LinkedIn profile lists a two-year stint as a member of the search quality team, recently spoke with …
So the take away from these articles on Link-building for me are:
- Find ways to generate legitimate links by involving the web community in your business.
- Avoid low quality or spammy links. Look for links in sites with content highly related to your own.
- Use the Disavow links tool to get rid of old links from the pre-historic era of link building that may still be hurting you.
- Concentrate on quality content, and authority building using tactics like curation.
And the best news is, you can still build links, as long as you build them smart, and valuable.